Integrat cu e-Factura


Integrat cu e-Transport

Tu ce facturezi azi?

Întrebări frecvente

Înapoi la listă

How do I import a product or services list?

On you can directly import from  your computer a list of company’s products or services (valid for import clients list also) Follow a few simple steps:

  1. *Click on 'Others' menu, then ‘Products *

How do I import a product or services list? - pasul 1

2. Click the blue ‘Import’ button

How do I import a product or services list? - pasul 2


3. Uploads the file in one of the supported formats: Excel (xls, xlsx), Open Office Calc (ods) or .csv, JSON, XML.

4. Click ‘Upload file’ to import your list of products or services into the company account on


Înapoi la listă